I became a volunteer photographer for Operation Welcome Home Maryland in February of 2013, after having photographed a couple of military homecomings for hire. This amazing group of volunteers is there to meet every flight carrying our US servicemen and servicewomen and their families when they return home from overseas. Every. Single. Flight. Early morning, late at night, middle of the day – there is always someone there to meet, greet, and most importantly to THANK our returning military when they walk through the doors at BWI Airport. OWHMD always has at least one volunteer photographer to greet each flight as well – capturing those first moments at home, and some truly touching moments of reunion for families who have spent months and years apart.
OWHMD is always looking for financial donations, Thank You cards, and most importantly – they always need volunteers to donate their time to come out to the airport, shake some hands and just say “Thanks.” Updates and returning flight schedules are posted on the website or their Facebook page – or you can always call (410) 630-1555 for the most up-to-date schedule.